Musical Language as a Social Project (on the Example of the Formation of Modern Greek Music)
musical language, performance technique, compositional development, folklore, stylistics, composition, national art.Abstract
The development of contemporary compositional schools has brought to the fore the fundamental question of professional intensification of musical thought, which has gained particular importance against the backdrop of integrating the monodic nature of Greek music into the European development trajectory. The aim of this research is to analyse the process of creating a new professional musical lexicon in Greece and the development of a complex set of expressive means identified as a national musical language. The study used general and specialised scientific methods, including historical, psychological, philosophical, musical, and comparative analysis, as well as modern methodologies proposed by contemporary researchers of Greek music. It identifies the issues of forming the musical language of New Greece and proposes ways and conceptual foundations to overcome them from a historical perspective. The research examines the manifestation of Greek national art through the interaction of local, national, and academic factors. Additionally, it analyses the creative activities of composers of modern Greek music in the second half of the 20th century. It is widely accepted that the development of the musical language of a national compositional school is the outcome of the interplay between local and general social factors and mental interactions. Perception serves as the starting point for further development. This study highlights the significance of using clear and compelling contemporary language for self-expression through musical art, considering national and European perspectives. Additionally, the research identifies the mechanism of forming societal conceptions of musical language's quality, specificity, and essence, which, in synergy, shape societal demand.
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