Teaching Reading and Text Production at a Social Work Degree Course: a study focusing on Academic Literacy
literacy, academic literacy, social work, literacy practices, remote teachingAbstract
This paper analyses how academic literacy practices promoted by the subject Reading and Text Production Practice, offered at the Social Work degree course of the Tocantins State University (UNITINS), Campus of Palmas, support the education of readers. This study is based on the perspective of academic literacy. The research follows a qualitative approach, being characterized as an exploratory study and field research. The data has been collected over the months of September and October, 2021, by means of an online survey. The data set comprises valid answers from 42 participants, namely 01 professor and 41 students of the researched course. The results show that, despite fostering competences and skills in the academic and scientific field, the remote classes provided brought disadvantages to the teaching and learning process, due to various factors, such as: lack of an appropriate site for students to watch classes; interaction difficulties between the students and the professor; work overload; lacking boundaries between academic and family activities, among others. Thus, for some, the learning process provided by the researched subject was more significant for some, whereas for others it was medium, failing to fully cover the intended knowledge.
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