The Role of the Family in the Education and Upbringing of Children


  • Anton Vertel
  • Viktor Korolenko
  • Olha Shapovalova
  • Tetiana Bereziuk



family, education, upbringing, moral, values, child-parent relations.


The significance of the family in the education and upbringing of children holds considerable weight, as a conducive family environment plays a pivotal role in shaping a comprehensive personality. This article aims to examine the role and significance of the family in molding a child's multifaceted value system, delving into the impact of parental education on the developmental aspects of a child's personality. The study employed methods such as analysis, synthesis, the scientific generalization method, and the formal logical method. This investigation scrutinizes the influence of the family on the instillation of moral, ethical, national, cultural, religious, and physical values in a child. Each category of value is systematically expounded, elucidating the recommended parental approaches for fostering the development of a distinct hierarchy of values within the child. The investigation delves into the historical context of post-Soviet states, specifically focusing on discerning the unique characteristics of the family's role within countries that constituted the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The article provides practical guidance for parents regarding effective interaction with their children to foster the development of a well-rounded personality. The paper systematically examines five distinct types of child-parent relationships: democratic, "emotional distance," authoritarian, child-centered, and chaotic, offering comprehensive characterizations for each. Furthermore, the article addresses the relevance of the family's role and its significance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes that the circumstances arising from the pandemic and associated quarantine measures present families with unprecedented challenges in the field of family psychology.


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