Principles for Planning and Construction of Hybrid Teaching Models:

a proposal under development


  • Gianna Oliveira Roque PUC-Rio
  • Ana Luiza Ferreira Portes Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio



Hybrid teaching, Higher education, pedagogical strategies, lesson planning


This paper discusses the principles and foundations that serve as the basis for a hybrid teaching approach which is driving the increased interest in this modality. The work aims to identify which models are being used by Higher Education Institutions to support the planning of hybrid courses that could be adapted and applied in other educational contexts. It was identified as a result, that the interest in hybrid teaching stems from: I) the potential of new communication technologies for teaching; II) the increase of online courses offer; III) the possibility of offering part of in person courses workload through distance learning; IV) the changes brought about by the pandemic attributed to the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) measures. As a theoretical foundation, it was observed that in recent years, innovative approaches to learning in Higher Education are being based on a constructivist perspective that has the investigation process as a central element. Two (2) models were also identified that served as the basis for a proposal of a platform, under development, to support the planning of hybrid classes and courses that lead students to actively engage in their learning process.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Roque, G., & Ferreira Portes, A. L. (2023). Principles for Planning and Construction of Hybrid Teaching Models:: a proposal under development. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(3), 597–616.


