Formation of Students’ Reading Competence in the Conditions of Integrated Learning
competent reader, reading competence, structure of teaching reading, innovative methods of teaching reading, integration of learning activities, integrated training coursesAbstract
The modern global education system is undergoing significant changes due to globalization and integration, the development of innovative technologies, and the emergence of new approaches, teaching methods, new concepts and trends in the educational sphere. The issue of developing communicative competence, which includes the ability to express concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and views through forms of language activity and, in particular, through reading and its interpretation, is particularly relevant. Given the outlined above, the problem of introducing innovative methods of teaching reading into the practice of a modern primary school is of particular relevance nowadays. Dynamic effective reading is extremely significant since teaching students to read correctly in a timely manner is the first step in achieving the main goal of teaching children to read thoughtfully, silently and at an acceptable level of dynamic reading as the basis for independent understanding of the information space and the environment in general. The purpose of the academic paper is to determine the place of the student’s reading competence in the system of pedagogical and educational objectives, to outline the features of developing this type of skill based on the results of psychological, pedagogical, theoretical, literary and methodological studies of students’ reading activity conducted by scientists. In addition, the research aims to outline the key trends in modern scientific studies on developing reading competence, as well as to highlight the features of effective development of students’ reading competence in the conditions of integrated learning. In the course of the research, the analytical and bibliographic methods and the method of system analysis were used to study the concept and structure of forming the reading competence. Along with this, analysis, synthesis of information, detailing and comparison were applied to identify the major features of reading skills with a focus on their development in integrated learning. Moreover, logical and linguistic methods, abstraction and idealization were used to study and process the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists on the formation of primary school students’ reading competence. Based on the research results, the main most important theoretical aspects of the issue of forming students’ reading competence, namely, the concept and structure of this type of skill, have been established. Another significant target direction of the scientific article is studying scholars’ viewpoints on the key modern vectors of the process of teaching reading.
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