Peculiarities of translation of scientific literature vocabulary from polish into ukrainian
Polish language, Ukrainian language, language skills, teaching methods, translation, scientific vocabulary, terminology, equivalentsAbstract
The translation challenges encountered within the domain of scientific vocabulary represent a distinct area of research that has garnered significant attention from the scientific communities in both Ukraine and Poland in recent years. This topic holds utmost significance and warrants thorough investigation. The research focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of translation, encompassing the functions of translation, the utilization of various styles and vocabularies, and their influence on the target audience. Furthermore, it examines translation techniques and pedagogical approaches employed to develop translation skills. The primary objectives of this study are twofold: firstly, to identify the specificities involved in translating scientific literature vocabulary while imparting translation skills, and secondly, to assess the impact of innovations and technologies on the effectiveness of Polish to Ukrainian translations. A comprehensive methodology will be employed to fulfill the aims of this research endeavor. The principal methodology employed in this study is the pedagogical experiment, complemented by statistical methods, the observation method, and the descriptive method. The primary hypothesis posits that an examination of the intricacies associated with translating Polish vocabulary into Ukrainian will facilitate the integration of digital technologies within the educational process. Moreover, it is hypothesized that a comprehensive understanding of the peculiarities involved in translating scientific vocabulary will contribute to the enhancement of academic performance, subsequently augmenting the translation skills of students and prospective translation specialists. The outcome of this study aims to substantiate the efficacy of integrating innovative approaches into the instruction of translating scientific texts from Polish into Ukrainian. The findings from the conducted pedagogical experiment reveal promising prospects for implementing initiatives within the domain of scientific and popular science text translation. Future research endeavors will delve into areas such as translation theory and practice, the significance of terminology and book vocabulary within Polish-language texts, exploration of the distinctive role played by the tradition of employing and composing scientific vocabulary, and the utilization of contemporary technologies to streamline the translation process.References
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Nedashkivska, Kateryna Yarynovska, Artur Gudmanian, Svetlana Nyzhnyk

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