Team-Based Learning as a Teaching Tool in Healthcare Teaching: Scope Review Protocol


  • Elzenir Pereira de Oliveira Almeida Centro Universitário de Patos, UNIFIP
  • Alana Candeia de Mélo Centro Universitário de Patos, UNIFIP
  • Milena Nunes Alves de Souza Centro Universitário de Patos, UNIFIP
  • Tiago Bezerra de Sá de Sousa Nogueira Centro Universitário de Patos, UNIFIP
  • Pedro Pugliesi Abdalla Universidade de São Paulo, EEFERP/USP



Team-based learning, Teacher, Health education


Introduction: The new methodologies, considered active in teaching, have fostered learner engagement in the teaching process, making them capable of critically reflecting and problematizing what they are doing or where they are immersed. Objective: to map the available evidence on the effectiveness of Team-based learning as a teaching tool used by teachers in health education. Method: scoping review protocol (Open Science Framework registry: https://osf. io/n95wy), using the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and PRISMA-ScR checklist, following the research question elaborated according to the acronym PCC: Which the effectiveness of Team-based learning (concept) developed by teachers (population) in health teaching (context)? The search for texts will be carried out in four databases (LILACS; Embase, Scopus e Scielo) . The selection of studies will be carried out by two reviewers, with the help of Rayyan software. If any divergences occur in the process, a third reviewer will help to minimize these divergences. The data will be extracted according to a categorized and organized table in the Excel software and the conclusions of the studies will be analyzed with the help of the IraMuTeQ software. The results will be presented, aiming to achieve the objective and review question.


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How to Cite

Pereira de Oliveira Almeida, E., Candeia de Mélo, A., Nunes Alves de Souza, M., Bezerra de Sá de Sousa Nogueira, T., & Pugliesi Abdalla, P. (2024). Team-Based Learning as a Teaching Tool in Healthcare Teaching: Scope Review Protocol. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(2), 675–682.


