Dromology and Foucauldian Panopticism and Power in Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia


  • Sanay Bayat Islamic Azad University
  • Hassan Shahabi
  • Fatemeh Bornaki




Virilio In Discourse, Democracy, Dromologia-Panoptical Discourses, Sound, Power


The purpose of this study is to provide an analytical description of Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia based on both Foucault and Virilio’s theory. In the ensuing framework, Lewis creates new discourses which become the bedrock of the subjectivity. This subjectivity is scrutinized through Paul Virilio's theories of dromology along with Foucauldian panopticism. The amalgamation of these theories create the methodology of the study, through critical discourse analysis of the stories, which explains the existence of imperial narratives, through the manifestation of the usage of the discourse and the cyborg subjectivity by Lewis in his science fiction stories and the application of the dromological discourse and the panoptical discourse as the requisites of their existence, while the former leads to the latter through invisibility. Throughout the use of Virilio’s theory, the main characters experience transformation and changing were discussed. This theory investigates mostly the notions of panopticon and Foucault in the novels. The researcher traces several notions in the novels including power, discourse, and panopticon in the books. This paper has mostly focused on Foucault’s different concepts including discourse and power. The notion of panopticon in the discourse of Narnia has been investigated as well throughout the novel. 


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How to Cite

Bayat, S., Shahabi, H. ., & Bornaki , F. . (2023). Dromology and Foucauldian Panopticism and Power in Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(2), 431–442. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v16.n2.431-442



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