Opportunities for managing educational organizations: the use of mobile robots to improve the efficiency of university admissions campaigns
Gamification, Intelligent system, applicant, human-machine interaction, information securityAbstract
Revolutions in education have a great influence on the development paradigm of modern society. The guiding vector for its further improvement is the rapid development of the technosphere. The research objective is to identify effective methods and means of managing educational organizations in the context of further digitalization and intensification of accounting and methodological business processes. Our results, derived from document analysis and a qualitative case study, indicate that implementing the Turtle robotic avatar system can streamline university admissions campaigns, improving efficiency and user experience. The study emphasizes the importance of balancing technological integration with traditional spiritual and cultural values, ensuring that the deployment of intellectual technologies does not disrupt social cohesion. We propose a strategic framework for incorporating intelligent virtual avatars in educational processes, aiming to foster sustainable growth without exacerbating societal turbulence in an era of large-scale digital transformation.
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