The Son of a Thousand Men:
character study and contemporary issues
Filho de Mil Homens, Valter Hugo Mãe, love, family, lonelinessAbstract
This article is a hermeneutic reading of Valter Hugo Mãe's O Filho de Mil Homens (The Son of a Thousand Men), a novel that combines a series of stories. Therefore, the aim is to approach the novel from the point of view of literary genre, as well as from a thematic and ideological perspective, taking into account action, space, time, and, above all, the study of its postmodern and hyper-contemporary character. Through the portrayal of life as it is, with characters that stand out for a life lived between the innocuous and the grotesque, this study discusses issues of contemporaneity. The aim is to prove that Valter Hugo Mãe's work paves the way for reflection on the human being in this hypermodern age.
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