Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Digitalization Projects in the Field of Citizen Appeals, Considering Regional Specifics
digitalization, citizens' appeals, digital economyAbstract
The article examines the essence, goals and types of citizens' appeals, the procedure for their consideration, as well as the regulatory and organizational support of working with citizens' appeals. The issue of appeals of individuals to the executive bodies of state power in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation was considered in more detail. The problems of implementing digitalization projects in the field of receiving citizens' appeals are considered, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of digitalization projects in the field of receiving citizens' appeals is adapted, taking into account the specifics of the region, a comparative analysis of the implementation of digitalization projects is carried out on the example of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, comparing the results obtained for 2020-2022.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ildar Begishev , Ilyоs Abdullayev, Denis Chernov, Angelina Blagodatskaya, Svetlana Sychanina , Evgeniy Kochetkov

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