Multimedia-Influence-Achievement Model (MIAM)

Proposed New Model as Predictive Determinant of Academic Achievement


  • Godwill Chenyuei Akwene University of Yaounde, UY
  • Marcel Ndjodo Fouda University of Yaounde, UY



The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increasing demand for new technologies to transmit learning content and facilitate student learning. This article aimed at presenting a new technology adoption model that examines the influence of multimedia exposure on learning motivation, and eventual student academic achievement. The current study focus propels the application of multimedia in education to facilitate students’ academic achievement. Using a sample of 354 students drawn from some secondary schools in Yaounde, data was collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The proposed new Multimedia-Influence-Achievement Model (MIAM) was tested and validated using SmartPLS 3.2.8 software. The analysis showed high factor loadings related to all the items indicating goodness of fit. The results showed that all six hypotheses expressed by the structural model were supported by the data. Multimedia exposure had a significant positive relationship with multimedia self-efficacy, attitude toward multimedia and learning motivation. Multimedia self-efficacy and attitude toward multimedia equally have significant positive relationship with learning motivation.  Furthermore, the results proposed that learning motivation is a predictive determinant of student’s academic achievement. In light of the above results, identification of facilitating conditions is a prerequisite to introduction of multimedia technology in the teaching and learning process.

Author Biographies

Godwill Chenyuei Akwene, University of Yaounde, UY

Faculty of Education, Instructor, and Ph.D. student

Marcel Ndjodo Fouda, University of Yaounde, UY

Higher Teacher Training College


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How to Cite

Akwene, G. C., & Fouda, M. N. (2022). Multimedia-Influence-Achievement Model (MIAM): Proposed New Model as Predictive Determinant of Academic Achievement. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 15(3), 297–308.


