Soft Skills in Remote Learning
A Study on the Behavioral Skills of Accounting
The objective of this study is to identify the Soft Skills required to work in remote education, in the perception of professors of the undergraduate course in Accounting Sciences, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The research has a quantitative and qualitative approach, and for data collection, a questionnaire was used, based on the list of Soft Skills required by the area of education in times of pandemic, published by the World Economic Forum. The research identified that skills such as: creativity, originality and initiative, active learning and learning strategies, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility, emotional intelligence and the use, monitoring, and control of technology are the most required Soft Skills in the perception of professors for to work in the remote teaching modality. Thus, the study concludes that being creative, flexible, and promoting a learning process in which the student feels more present can be decisive for the success or failure of remote learning.References
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Copyright (c) 2022 Priscila Duarte Salvador, Cristiane Gularte Quintana, Alexandre Costa Quintana, Débora Gomes de Gomes
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