The Use of Scratch in Professional Full-Time High School of the Regional Superintendence of Education of Uberaba, Brazil
With the advancement of Digital Information and Communication Technologies in different areas of society, the importance of knowing how to use and understanding their implications in people's lives is evidenced, in addition, it is necessary and important for the school to critically adopt the use of technologies in their educational processes. In the research, a general survey was carried out on the use of the Computer Laboratory of the state schools of the Superintendência Regional de Ensino de Uberaba (SRE Uberaba), by the perception of teachers, to investigate the view that teachers have of this environment, their difficulties and which software they use. Based on the perceptions of the teachers, the objective is to present possibilities for using the Scratch software to teachers of Ensino Médio em Tempo Integral Profissional, from the state schools Boulanger Pucci and Escritora Carolina Maria de Jesus from SRE Uberaba, as an option to diversify their educational practices, exhibiting a teaching proposal within the Creative Learning approach. The choice of conducting workshops using Scratch was based on the feasibility of teachers being able to work with this tool on different operating systems, which may or may not be installed on computers, used with or without internet, in addition to having a community with millions of users spread across Worldwide. Data collection took place through online questionnaires, literature review and dialogues carried out during the workshops. These instruments allowed the combination of quantitative and qualitative procedures. The theoretical basis addresses the use of technologies in the educational process; the knowledge that teachers need to build to use TDIC, through TPACK; Creative Learning and Scratch as resources that can produce contextualized and meaningful teaching for the student. We also sought to understand how technological mediation should happen in the teaching-learning process. As a result, there was positive acceptance by teachers to use Scratch as a complementary tool in the teaching process, however, this acceptance was conditioned to the provision of continuing education to help teachers in their difficulties for the pedagogical implementation of Scratch. It is recommended that the workshop be expanded to all SRE Uberaba teachers, allowing them to learn about and evaluate Scratch as a tool that aims to contribute to the teaching of different content and the construction of knowledge in different areas of knowledge.References
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