The History of Art in the Students’ Training Process in Design and Architecture and Urbanism Courses
The history of art is quite broad and complex, as it follows the entire development of humanity from prehistory to contemporaneity, divided into periods, it portrays the various forms of artistic production of countless civilizations throughout history. The intention of the research is to investigate how the students of the Architecture and Urbanism and Design Courses at the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ, perceive the history of art in their formative path. Methodologically, the research is structured by a conceptual field obtained through documental and bibliographical research and case study through the application of a questionnaire to students regularly enrolled in the Architecture and Urbanism and Design Courses. Art history is considered a field of knowledge, involving different forms of artistic expression that aim to express emotions, ideas and worldviews.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tarcisio Dorn de Oliveira, Diane Meri Weiller Johann, Ana Paula Batista Ana Paula Batista Araujo

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