Western Modernity Design of Resistant Education and Epistemologies
Epistemology, Westernized Education, Decolonization of knowledge, Speech, Educational ProcessAbstract
Historically, education permeates facets that cross the project of Western modernity in education. In contrast to this dominating process of knowledge, resistant epistemologies emerge. In this way, we are interested in pointing out the series of signs of the epistemologies of resistance that oppose the project of Western modernity in education, specifically we will map the sources that deal with the pedagogies that permeate the praxis of the resistant epistemologies, we will excavate the text fractures that mark the dominant process of the project of western modernity in education and finally we will analyze/describe the educational processes that permeate the overcoming of the project of western modernity in education to the detriment of resistant epistemologies. For this, it is important to know: what are the pedagogies that cross the resistant epistemologies of social movements? To this end, we will do justice to the methodological toolbox of Archaeological Discourse Analysis (AAD) by Foucault (2008). In the set of things said and written, it was possible to point out that social movements are essential in the process of overcoming Eurocentric, ethnocentric and sociocentric education, since the resistant epistemologies are activated in the pedagogies of Popular Education, Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Pedagogy of the Movement. Pedagogies that decolonize westernized education.
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