Developing Professional Competence of Future Primary School Teachers Using Informational Technologies
educational institutions, interactive teaching methods, professional competence, primary school teachers, information technologies, professional trainingResumo
The article focuses on studying the process of forming the professional competence of future primary school teachers using information technologies. Introducing information technologies into the educational process is integral to teacher training. The article examines various aspects of this process, including the selection of appropriate technological tools, methods of their use in the process, and practical teaching tools. The following methods were applied: questionnaires and surveys, observation and analysis of the educational process, and experimental research. The article presents the pedagogical technology of forming the professional competence of future primary school teachers using information technologies, considering the means and tools for forming this competence. Educational platforms and online resources, interactive whiteboards and software, digital tools for assessment and feedback, virtual tours and educational games, online communication and collaboration training, and professional development of teachers are distinguished among the tools for developing the professional competence of future teachers using information technologies. The dynamics of using information technology tools for forming professional competence of future primary school teachers from 2021 to 2023 is revealed. The study results conclude that using information technology in the learning process contributes to a more robust formation of professional competence of future primary school teachers, resulting in a higher quality of education.
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