Creating a Comfortable Learning Environment: The Role of Teachers and Education Seekers
Comfortable learning, psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic pedagogy, education, pedagogical conditions, learning environmentAbstract
The educational system's primary tasks are to ensure compliance with students' human rights and freedoms. They include the right to education, life and health-safe educational process, and preservation and enhancement of the younger generation's health. Students and teachers demand an educational environment where they feel physically, psychologically, informationally, and socially safe, comfortable, and well-being. Participants in the educational process are interested in organizing a maximally comfortable educational process that can provide proper and safe conditions for children's learning, upbringing, and development. All education stakeholders should actively contribute to students' education and develop their skills to create a healthy and safe lifestyle to achieve these goals. The article aims at highlighting the key perspectives presented in modern research by scholars worldwide on the specifics of the teacher's and student's role in creating a comfortable learning environment. The work intends to reveal the features of the learners' influence on the convenience and efficiency of the educational process. Methodology. During the research, the authors applied the following data processing methods: analysis, information synthesis, abstraction, analogy, and formalization of the theoretical and practical results on the given topic. The study is based on the works of scholars worldwide on the organization of the learning environment at various levels of the educational process. The research findings have identified the fundamental theoretical aspects of creating a comfortable learning environment from the psychological and social conditions perspective in organizing the educational process. During the research process, the authors analyzed the specifics of teachers' and students' contributions to creating a safe learning environment.
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