Accessible and sustainable technology in education: experiences of educational alternative robotics
Alternative Educational Robotics, Inclusive Education, Educational Sustainability, Active Learning Methods, MakerAbstract
This article addresses the importance of Educational Robotics (ER) in the school context, emphasizing the relevance of Alternative Educational Robotics (AER). The motivation stems from the limitation of ER application due to the high costs of conventional educational kits, such as Lego NXT and Mindstorms. The shortage of suitable components and sensors hinders the development of advanced experiments, requiring additional investment. This situation poses a challenge for those who wish to use robotics as a teaching tool at all educational levels. The article presents two projects that explore the intersection of education, recycled materials, electronic waste, technology, Maker culture, and gamification. These projects challenged students to apply the STEAM concept in building robot prototypes. It is worth noting that students achieved significant results in science fairs, national, and international robotics tournaments. The work aims to address the challenges faced by ER, providing innovative and accessible solutions to promote the integration of robotics into the educational environment through AER. The application of Maker culture and gamification methodologies enriches the students' experience, encouraging the development of relevant skills and the promotion of the STEAM concept.
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