Evolution of Centralized and Decentralized Industrial Governance in the USSR and Modern Russia: A Historical and Economic Analysis
Over the last three decades of Russia's development, the market model of the economy has shown a lack of efficiency. Such problems as dependence on raw materials, deficiencies in the branch structure, social imbalances, high inflation rates, and others are still topical for the country. The conducted reforms mostly solve short-term problems and address only some sectors of the economy or population groups. These circumstances require a re-evaluation of the national economic history, analysis of the theory and practice of building a socialist economy, and identification of its strengths and weaknesses. This study aims to historically and economically analyze the evolution of centralized and decentralized industrial governance in the USSR and modern Russia. The methodology of the study is based on the principles, methods, and tools of scientific knowledge. Moreover, A special questionnaire was prepared and a sociological survey was conducted in order to identify the practical significance of the authors' findings. Given the results, total centralization can lead to the isolation of management bodies from reality, the growth of disproportions in the sectors of the economy, the growth of shortages in all types of products, and the emergence of a shadow, corrupt, barter economy.
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