Excellence in sport: a study centered on the life story of 14-time world champion Thierry Gueorgiou


  • Tadeu Celestino Agrupamento de Escolas de Nelas, ESE-IPV Centro de Estudos em Educação e Inovação (CI&DEI) – IPV Viseu, Portugal
  • Levi Leonido https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6603-034X
  • Elsa Gabriel Morgado Centro de estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos Universidade Católica Portuguesa & Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Braga, Bragança, Portugal http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3653-7876
  • Antonino Pereira Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, ESE-Viseu Centro de Estudos em Educação e Inovação (CI&DEI) – IPV Viseu, Portugal




elite, development factos, athlete development, sport excellence, life history


This paper seeks to identify the factors and characteristics that determine the development and maintenance of excellence in orienteering, by examining the life of an athlete who has been a world champion 14 times. "Life Stories" were used as a method to collect data. The data was collected by conducting semi-structured interviews and an analysis of various documents. This data was then analyzed using the content analysis method. The results highlight the need for successful interaction between socio-contextual and socio-personal factors over time. Therefore, achieving excellence in orienteering is a multidimensional process that must be understood using a bio-psycho-socio-axiological perspective.

Author Biographies

Tadeu Celestino, Agrupamento de Escolas de Nelas, ESE-IPV Centro de Estudos em Educação e Inovação (CI&DEI) – IPV Viseu, Portugal

TADEU FERREIRA DE SOUSA CELESTINO - University of Beira Interior, Faculty ofSocial and Human Sciences Portugal, Center for Studies in Education and Innovation,Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal. Special Education teacher at Agrupamento deEscolas de Nelas. He completed his PhD in Sports Sciences in 2015 at the University ofTrás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, his Master's Degree in Sports and Physical Activity in 2011at the Viseu School of Education, and his degree in Physical Education for PrimarySchool Teachers in 1998.

Levi Leonido, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6603-034X

LEVI LEONIDO FERNANDES DA SILVA - PhD in Education (University ofSalamanca) and in Artistic Studies (University of Coimbra). Post-doctorate inPerformance Studies (University of Minho). Aggregated Professor by Fernando PessoaUniversity, Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Researcher atthe Portuguese Catholic University - CITAR, Porto. Director of the European Review ofArtistic Studies. – Portuguese Catholic University - CITAR, Porto, Portugal. School ofHuman and Social Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Quintado Prados 5000-801, Vila Real, Portugal. Email: levileon@utad.pt

Elsa Gabriel Morgado, Centro de estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos Universidade Católica Portuguesa & Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Braga, Bragança, Portugal

ELSA MARIA GABRIEL MORGADO - PhD in Education Sciences. Adjunct Professorat the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. Researcher at the Portuguese CatholicUniversity, CEFH - Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Braga. ResearchCenter in Basic Education (CIEB), Center in Basic Education, Instituto Politécnico deBragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal. Research inEducational Sciences, Inclusion, supervision, teacher training and professional insertion.Portuguese Catholic University, CEFH - Centre for Philosophical and HumanisticStudies, Braga, Portugal. Center in Basic Education, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança,Campus de Santa Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal. Email: elsa.morgado@ipb.p

Antonino Pereira, Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, ESE-Viseu Centro de Estudos em Educação e Inovação (CI&DEI) – IPV Viseu, Portugal

ANTONINO PEREIRA -He completed his Aggregate Degree in Sports Science in2019/06/18 by the University of Porto Faculdade de Desporto, PhD in Sports Science in2001/09 by the University of Porto Faculdade de Desporto, Master in Sports Science in1996 by the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana ¿ Universidade Técnica de Lisboa andDegree in Physical Education in 1989 by the Instituto Superior de Educação Física ¿Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. He is a Coordinating Professor at the PolytechnicInstitute of Viseu - School of Education of Viseu. He has published 39 articles in specialistjournals. He has 15 book chapter(s) and 8 book(s). Supervised 6 PhD thesis(s) and cosupervised 6. Supervised 25 Master's thesis(s) and co-supervised 2. Received 6 prize(s)and/or honours. He participates and/or has participated as investigator in 3 project(s) andinvestigator-in-charge in 2 project(s). He works in the field(s) of Medical and HealthSciences with emphasis on Health Sciences with emphasis on Sports Sciences. In hisprofessional activities he has interacted with 153 collaborator(s) in co-authorship ofscientific papers. In his curriculum Vitae Science the most frequent terms in thecontextualization of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Sportfor all, social inclusion, training des; School, inclusion, special educational needs; Soccer,Coaching, Mixed Methods, Performance.; Perceptions; Physical Education; Teachers;Study of; refereeing; soccer,; qualitative methodology; sports ethic; elite sport; criticalmoments; Portugal; qualitative research; Adapted sport; development of athletes; sportingexcellence; paralympic talent; Sport for all; social inclusion; sports training; sportexcellence; Athletes; Athletic Performance; Humans; Male; Personality; Soccer;Aptitude; Football; Perceptions; Physical Education; Case Study; Teachers; Perceptions;Physical Education; Teachers, Case Study; Representations; Physical Education;Teachers; Case Study; School; inclusion; special educational needs; Training; Expertise;Coach; Developing athletes; Sport excellence; Aged population; Physical activity;Evaluation; Learning; Students; Physical Education; Evaluation; Student; Teachers;Physical Education; Aprendizaje; Evaluación; Student; Sport; Social inclusion;Ethnography; Case study; 796(043); Water aerobics; Cardiovascular system; Respiratorysystem; Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive; 797(043); 612. 1(043); 612.2(043);Coaching; Mixed Methods; Performance; Athletes; Development; Talent; Life histories;796.015(043); Team sports; High performance; Institutional support; Academic training;371.38(043); Curricular enrichment activities; Parents; Coordinators; Parents' parents; 37.064(043); Soccer; Football; Youth; Ethics; Values in sport; 796.33(043); 17.02(043);37.03(043); Physical education; Teaching; Learning; School sport; Disciplinary groupdelegate; Performance evaluation; 371.13(043); Tutoring; 796.034(043); 371.21(043);Basketball; 796. 32(043); Disability; Training; 796-056.3(043); Active video games;Exergames; Consoles; Leisure Activities; Professional Training; Leisure Activities;Professional Training; Ethics; Coaching; 796.33.071(043); expertise; influencing factors;athlete development; coaching. ; Study; High performance training; Difficulty;796.42.015(043); Obesity; Representations; 796.035-053.6(043); 613.25-053.6(043);Values; Futsal; Sports ethics; Fair play; 174(043); Practices and aspirations; Socialrepresentations; Academic success; President Pedagogical Council; Appreciation;371(043); School headmasters; Padagogical supervision; Educational community; 371.11(043); Health sciences; Education; Physical education; Physical education; Physicaleducation; (dis)satisfaction; Perceptions; Students; physical education; (in)satisfaction.Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Av. Cor. José Maria Vale de Andrade - CampusPolitécnico, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal. Email: apereira@esev.ipv.pt.


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