“Working from home or living at work”? Work-family balance of professors in the period of Covid-19
conflict, positive interface, work-family, accounting, higher educationAbstract
The present study characterizes the Work-family balance (WFB) of professors of higher education in accounting, amid the pandemic scenario of COVID-19. Data collection took place through a questionnaire containing the Conflict and Positive Work-Family Interface scales (Aguiar, 2016), evaluated on a scale adapted from Likert (0 to 10) by accounting professors in Brazil. 199 valid answers were obtained and through descriptive statistics and tests of mean differences, it was possible to verify that the professors pointed out the positive family-work interface as the most relevant factor in the WFB, showing that the family provided positive attributes for their professional performance. Personal aspects (gender and age) and family aspects (marital status, existence of children under 12, domestic responsibilities and investments made) stood out as predictors of the professors' WFB. As for the occupational variables, only the time of professional experience was associated with the WFB, thus raising reflections on the different teaching roles and the transformations imposed by the pandemic.
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