Black presences in children's books published by Mazza Edições at the Karingana 2023 exhibition


  • Lariane Casagrande Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Ronaldo de Oliveira Corrêa Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR



publishers, Illustrated books, Expography, Aquilombamento


Taking the publishing house Mazza Edições as a pioneer in the editorial segment dedicated to the circulation of literature and visuality produced and edited by black people in Brazil, in this exploratory qualitative study, we analyzed the presence of the publishing house in the exhibition “Karingana: Black Presences in the Book for childhoods” – from 2023, in order to get in touch with some of the visualities produced by black illustrators in books published by Mazza Edições. To this end, we used the technical evaluation methodology of Marília Xavier Cury (2012), together with the theoretical contribution of Beatriz Nascimento (1985), Lélia Gonzalez (2020) and Antônio Bispo dos Santos (2007). As a result, we present the relational identification between works, illustrators and publishing house, reinforced by the approach proposed for the exhibition; which dialogues with the concern with the transmission of knowledge and its circulation, through strategies such as “aquilombamento”, to operate in favor of transformations in social structures.


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