The Impact of Assessment Results on The Student's Socio-Affective Dimension, based on the Chico Bento Comic Strips




Evaluation, Elementary Education, Comics


The theoretical research, of bibliographical type, presenting as research problem: What are the contents disseminated in Chico Bento comics in relation to the impact of assessment on the socio-affective dimension of the student? The investigative corpus is composed by four comic strips of the Magazine Chico Bento, available in the Application Banca da Mônica, used for mobile devices (smartphone). The data will be analyzed through the Technique of Content Analysis, proposed by Bardin (2016), and complementing with the semiological analysis (of images) for the validation of the study, according to Penn (2013). When electing as analytical object the contents about evaluation transmitted by the Comics, it is present that such stories are opinion formers and can influence the conceptions of the reading children, corroborating or refuting what they understand and experience in the evaluation processes in the school context. The results show how the assessment of learning applied in a wrong way causes impact on the social and affective dimension of the student. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the assumptions about evaluation of authors such as Hoffmann (1995), Esteban (2009), Demo (2006), Vasconcellos (2008), Luckesi (2010) and Moretto (2010). Regarding Comics, we sought support in the assumptions of Moya (1977) and Weschenfelder (2011). Linked to the research groups Educational Practices and Quality Indicators, and the second, Parallel Universes: Sequential Art, Cultural Mediation and Pedagogical Practices. Both belong to the Postgraduate Programme of the La Salle University.

Author Biographies

Fabiula Falcão Fagundes, Universidade LaSalle, Unilasalle

Mestra em Educação pela Universidade LaSalle e Graduada em Pedagogia.

Gelson Weschenfelder, Universidade Feevale

Pos Doutorando no PPG de Processos e Manifestações Culturais da Universidade Feevale. Doutor e Mestre em Educação e Graduado em Filosofia.


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