Intellectual Disability
Educational Policies and Practices from the Historical-Cultural Perspective
The appropriation of knowledge about Special and Inclusive Education has been a necessity nowadays for all Basic Education teachers, due to the significant number of students who have some type of disability, including Intellectual Disability (ID), especially in public schools. We know that with encouragement and diversity of resources, people with ID can achieve excellent results, but it is questionable whether pedagogical stimuli have been successful for the development of students with this limitation. Thus, the intention of this article is to contribute to the enrichment of the teaching pedagogical work, analyzing recent productions on the subject, and based on this survey, make considerations about the concept of ID, identify educational policies for students in this condition and understand how Vygotski's Historical-Cultural Theory helps in the pedagogical work with this audience, considering its mediating and interactive potential. The methodology used comprises a qualitative approach through literature review research. The research results show that teachers need institutional support to carry out a more effective work with students with ID, so that they do not go through an exclusionary inclusion, since the Specialized Educational Service (AEE), through the multifunctional rooms, they are not available in all municipal schools, making it difficult for this public to access adequate professional monitoring.
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