Unveiling the Voices of Z-Generation Students about the Good Classroom
Good class, Generation Z, Voice to Students, Integrated TechnicianAbstract
This article aims to verify which factors can be considered a good class for the students of Generation Z, investigating, therefore, the integrated technicians of a Campus of the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG). For this, a mixed approach of descriptive nature was used, using documents and questionnaires, which were analyzed according to content analysis and multivariate statistics. The results show three significant dimensions associated with a good class from the student's perspective: class planning, class conduct, and teacher behavior. These dimensions reflect the teacher's daily practice, allowing them to insert the digital native into their teaching practice. As a main theoretical contribution, the article will enable us to understand that Generation Z is not a homogeneous group, which entails different perspectives on a suitable classroom. As a practical contribution, this study helps professors develop their classes.
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