Entry Barriers for Industry 4.0 in Argentina
Entry Barriers, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation, Industry sectorAbstract
Industry 4.0 is a topic that has aroused great interest in recent years. The market, which demands more complex and differentiated products, must be attended to. Traditional centrally controlled production processes will be replaced by decentralised ones. Physical systems will be digitised, factories will self-regulate, optimising their own operation. Productivity will be improved; Quick solutions will be provided in case of production problems and abnormal operations. Many challenges must be faced, such as high implementation costs, organisational and process changes, security and data protection and the need for qualified personnel at all organisational levels who are capable of dealing with the growing complexity of future information systems. production. To address these issues, this article provides an analysis of entry barriers for Industry 4.0 in Argentina. First, a literature review was performed. This work revealed a set of 12 entry barrier factors. Second, based on the literature review and coding procedure, a synthesis and framework were developed. Third, a survey was carried out in 108 Argentine companies, obtaining the classification and strength of each of these 12 factors.
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