The Value of Apple Inc.´ Intellectual Capital, according to the Andriessen´s (2004) Method on December 31, 2020


  • Óscar Teixeira Ramada Instituto de Ciências Educativas do Douro, ISCE DOURO



Intellectual Capital, Core Competencies, High-Technology


This work aims to know how much is worth the intellectual capital of APPLE INC, on December 31, 2020, according to the method of ANDRIESSEN (2004). It is an integrated method that, in a projective way, allows knowing in this case the referred value in USD. The value found was 785396 million USD. Associated with this value are defined 3 core competences: Design and Development of Hardware and Software (Nuclear Competence 1, with the value of 409058 million USD), Several Accessories (Nuclear Competence 2, with the value of 175575 million USD) and Technological Services (Nuclear Competence 3, with the value of 200763 million USD). It is a method that is, above all, more suitable to complement in the case of companies belonging to the technological sector where high technology has a greater importance arising from the existence and use of highly qualified intellectual capital. In the case of APPLE INC, it appears that it is strongly associated with the existence of innovation that is particularly visible in the case of (tele) communication means (computers, tablets, mobile phones) as well as accessories and related services. The apple, it is concluded, is far from being cracked. On the contrary, it must appear in one piece.

Author Biography

Óscar Teixeira Ramada, Instituto de Ciências Educativas do Douro, ISCE DOURO




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How to Cite

Ramada, Óscar T. (2022). The Value of Apple Inc.´ Intellectual Capital, according to the Andriessen´s (2004) Method on December 31, 2020. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 15(se2), 128–140.


