Teacher’s ICT Levels of Appropriation:
an analysis based on digital indicators
Levels of appropriation, ICT, Teaching PracticesAbstract
With the need to understand the teaching work in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), this research aimed to analyze the levels of appropriation of science teachers and other areas who participated in a training course on Technologies and also to identify possible potentialities of an ICT ownership indicator. For this, the Matrix of Descriptors of Teachers' Digital Skills for the Pedagogical Area developed by the Center for Innovation for Brazilian Education (CIEB) was used as a reference. The matrix presents five levels of appropriation (Exposure, Familiarization, Adaptation, Integration, and Transformation) in three aspects of pedagogical practice (Student Autonomy, Integration of technologies into the curriculum and Fluency in the use of technologies). The information was collected through the activities developed by five professors who participated in the course, which took place remotely. The data showed that teachers do not present themselves in just a single level of appropriation, but that They move through different levels depending on different factors, such as the new tools that arise in pedagogical practice, the infrastructure, the methodologies used, digital literacy of teachers and students. Another aspect observed is the partial appropriation in relation to the descriptors of the different levels, in which the professors do not present all the characteristics indicated in each descriptor. As a result, the teachers showed partial levels of appropriation, which indicates that the appropriation of ICT in teaching practice happens in a non-linear and non-uniform way.
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