A Methodological Path For The Creation Of A Support Device To The Development And Evaluation Of Digital Competences In The 1st Cicle Of Basic Education
Pragmatic paradigm, Design-Based Research, Digital CompetencesAbstract
This article presents the methodological path followed for the construction of a device to support the development and assessment of digital competences of students in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. In addition to the epistemological foundations that support an interventionist approach, based on the pragmatic tradition and aligned with the principles of Design-Based Research (DBR), the purposes that justify the decisions taken with regard to the instrumentation and procedures for collecting and analysis of data that characterize the originality of the methodological path developed within the scope of a master's research, in the area of Innovation in Education at the University of Lisbon. Despite the limitations experienced, it is concluded that the methodological path adopted, in addition to constituting a promising approach for the realization of more accessible products for their end users, may also inspire other researchers who are interested in advancing scientific knowledge in education through the use of appreciation of professional wisdom.
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