Validation of a Questionnaire to Evaluate the Changes Produced in the Teaching/Learning Process During the Covid-19 Pandemic:
Dimensions of Teaching Methodologies, Technologies and Evaluation
Questionnaire validation, COVID-19 pandemic, Teaching methodologies, Technological tools, Student evaluationAbstract
This article describes the validation process of a questionnaire designed to know the opinion of students about the changes produced in the teaching/learning process in higher education because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aims to search what has changed in university teaching after the Confinement, how face-to-face teaching has adapted to online teaching during the Confinement and what has remained of the experience lived in the new normality. For this validation, a group of experts, researchers and teachers from universities in Spain and Portugal, specializing in Didactics, Technology, Engineering and Health Sciences, have been selected to answer three questions for each of the questions in our questionnaire to be validated, to find out from the experts whether each of the questions asked is appropriate for our study, an adequacy score and finally a comment that provides us with information to improve the questionnaire to be validated. The data collected in this validation process have been qualitatively analyzed with the support of the webQDA software and quantitatively with the SPSS software, allowing the addition or the modification of some questions, with the purpose of obtaining a validated questionnaire to be sent to the students at the University of Extremadura.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Violeta Hidalgo, Juan Arias-Masa, Juan Ángel Contreras Vas, Daniel Martín Pena

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