Building Teachers Knowledge and Research that Support Sustainable Innovation in Education:
A Study with Narratives and Autoethnography
teacher-researchers, narrative reflexivity, autoethnography, educational innovation, teacher uneasinessAbstract
Current discourses in favour of educational innovation bring with them the emergence of a series of challenges for teachers. The main goal of the study that served as the basis for this article was to explore how teachers experience the impact of new pro-innovation discourses in their own lessons. To this end, the study was based on the teaching and pedagogical research experience of one of the authors, who combined autoethnography with other methodological strategies. In this text, we adopt a perspective marked by the importance of subjectivity in qualitative research and consider the links between life, lived experience, and the production of professional and scientific knowledge to be inseparable. The narrative documentation of the teacher-researcher's pedagogical and research experience, together with other complementary sources, allows us to explore the performativity of discourses from various fields, identifying the ambitious expectations of teachers today and understanding the implications that these may have for professional practices. In response to a literature that is excessively indulgent or oblivious to the assumed problem, we conclude that there is currently a close connection between educational innovation, neoliberal performative parameters, and the development of teaching uneasiness.
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