Organization of Cultural and Leisure Activities of Students in Higher Education Institutions
Leisure, higher education institutions, student youth, digitalization, active leisure realmAbstract
The article explores how the leisure culture of young individuals differs from other age groups due to their unique needs and socio-psychological characteristics. It emphasizes the importance of leisure research in understanding and catering to the youth's self-discovery and self-expression. The article proposes modernizing regulations in educational institutions to create an environment that caters to the socio-cultural and intellectual needs of today's youth. It advocates for expanding the responsibilities of children's and youth associations and involving them in sports and collaborations with employers. It suggests the establishment of a youth innovation center to nurture scientific and creative projects.The article discusses the advancements in pedagogical research and development and the role of information and communication technologies in higher education. It evaluates the effectiveness of their implementation and addresses challenges faced by the educational system. The study utilizes various research methods to identify theoretical aspects and practical considerations related to integrating technology for enhancing English-language communicative competence in higher education.The article highlights the need for continuous innovation and revitalization in leisure and education to better serve the unique characteristics and requirements of today's youth.
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