Instructional Design of Experimental Chemistry Subject in Distance Mode
An Experience Report
Educational Design, Environmental Management, Instructional Matrix, ADDIE MethodAbstract
Instructional design is a pedagogical approach that aims to plan, develop and implement teaching and learning activities effectively and efficiently. The ADDIE Method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) is one of the most used models in instructional design, as it allows a systematic and structured approach to the development of courses and educational materials. In view of this, this article aimed to describe, based on the ADDIE Method, the instructional design developed in the Experimental Chemistry discipline of the Environmental Management Technology course at the Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – Campus Avançado Natal – Zona Leste, during the years of 2020 and 2021. The qualitative and descriptive methodology adopted sought to report the academic experiences arising from the discipline. The results showed that the Experimental Chemistry discipline was well received by the students, who showed active participation in the proposed activities. The use of the method allowed the construction of an effective instructional design, adapted to the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic period, which made it impossible to carry out face-to-face activities. However, some considerations were made, such as the importance of prerequisites for the discipline and the need for an adequate number of mediating teachers to ensure adequate support for students.
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