Digital Curation in Qualitative Analysis Software:

Analysis of the Training Process of Researchers


  • Katia Alexandra de Godoi e Silva Silva Universidade Anhanguera Uniderp
  • António Pedro Costa Universidade de Aveiro
  • Sandro Teixeira Pinto



webQDA, CHIC, qualitative research, training of researchers, digital skills


The interest of researchers in qualitative research approaches in the digital context has raised problems related to management, coding, and data sharing, among other aspects, which can be applied to the use of Qualitative Analysis Software. To seek solutions to this problem, the present study trained researchers for digital curation in Qualitative Analysis Software. The digital content curation model and the Digital Competence Framework for Educators were chosen to support this training. In this context, the objective of the research resides in analyzing the relations established between the phases of the proposed training of researchers for digital curation in Qualitative Analysis Software. To achieve this goal, we adopted a qualitative approach based on articulating two types of software, webQDA and CHIC. Thus, this article is organized into three sections: introduction, proposal for digital curatorship training in Qualitative Analysis Software and relational analysis of this training. Finally, the final considerations reveal the existence of researchers who report on the restrictions on qualitative research data and the use of software.


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How to Cite

Silva, K. A. de G. e S., Costa, A. P. ., & Pinto, S. T. . . (2023). Digital Curation in Qualitative Analysis Software: : Analysis of the Training Process of Researchers. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(se1), 123–133.



Qualitative Research in Education, Technology and Society