Inclusive education:
strategies and methods of implementation in the context of modern pedagogy
inclusive education, strategies of inclusive education, methods of inclusive education, modern pedagogy, children with special educational needsAbstract
Currently, the education of children with special educational needs is attracting more and more attention and special efforts from both governmental and non-governmental institutions and agencies. The society’s attitude to the general education of children with special educational needs generally reflects the level of the state’s development. Inclusive education implies a specific approach to the learning process that creates educational opportunities for all children, especially those with special educational needs. The purpose of the academic paper is to identify the major strategies of inclusive education for their subsequent implementation in practice in the modern context. In order to achieve the goal outlined, we conducted a search for relevant studies in the DOAJ and EBSCOhost databases over the past ten years. According to the literature, creating inclusive classes requires the professional experience of teachers, who must be friendly and understanding leaders in the class. Inclusive education promotes equal opportunities through respect for diversity. Inclusive education is based on the belief that all children are equal members of local school communities, the exclusion of any discrimination against children with special educational needs and the creation of appropriate conditions for quality, full-fledged education, training and development. Effective inclusive education depends on a variety of factors, and it is not just the inclusion of children with special educational needs into the general education school community. It requires high-quality, experienced teachers with a “great” heart, support and adequate attitude of parents, and comprehensive support on the part of state institutions. The compilation of special educational programs, and assessment systems, the development of effective strategies against the background of using modern methods, including information technologies, and the mandatory availability of highly qualified teachers who can organize and motivate students are necessary factors for the successful implementation of measures on inclusive education.References
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