Features of verbal influence implementation in contemporary pedagogical discourse (based on the material of Ukrainian Language Teaching)


  • Iryna Dudko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Nataliia Galona Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Iryna Volovenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Nataliia Kashuba Applied College "Universum" of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University




linguistics, linguodidactics, verbal (linguistic and speech) influence, pedagogical discourse, Ukrainian studies, Ukrainian language


The modern development of pedagogical discourse in Ukraine to ensure the implementation of verbal influence for pedagogical purposes is becoming increasingly important. This is due to the rapid development of the educational process, changes in the form of communication channels, and the strengthening of teachers' role as one of the main academic sources. Implementing verbal influence in pedagogical discourse serves a motivational and stimulating function. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of educators and foster their creative approaches. This article's research aims to outline the key principles of implementing verbal influence in contemporary pedagogical discourse and to enhance the educational process through language means. The research goals include: defining the structural elements of verbal influence and methods of its implementation; analyzing the components of pedagogical discourse and modern practices of its application; strengthening the role of the teacher's influence. The authors use scientific research methods to analyze the basic principles of verbal influence, methods and techniques of modern use to improve an educational process. The article examines the following aspects: the application of pedagogical discourse; the possibility of its integration with the educational process and upbringing through verbal influence; the issue of strengthening the role of pedagogical activity as the main means of ensuring learning effectiveness. Special attention is paid to using Ukrainian language culture to improve national and patriotic education, as well as to stimulate reflective listening and increase interest in learning. The research methodology is based on analyzing information sources regarding pedagogical discourse and its potential integration into pedagogical activities. The obtained results can be helpful from the perspective of improving the educational process through pedagogical discourse in the Ukrainian language and strengthening the role of verbal influence in pedagogical activity.


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How to Cite

Dudko, I. ., Galona, N. ., Volovenko, I. ., & Kashuba, N. (2023). Features of verbal influence implementation in contemporary pedagogical discourse (based on the material of Ukrainian Language Teaching). Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(se2), 83–93. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v16.nse2.83-93