Psychology of self-development:

strategies and factors of effective personal growth


  • Lyudmila Prisniakova Dnipro Humanitarian University, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Oleh Aharkov Dnipro Humanitarian University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
  • Oleksandr Samoilov Dnipro Humanitarian University, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Mykola Nesprava Dnipro Humanitarian University, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • Maryna Varakuta Dnipro Humanitarian University, Dnipro, Ukraine



human, person, personality, psychology, development, self-development, community, society, strategy, factor


The article delves into the psychological aspects of self-development, focusing on the strategies and factors influencing effective personal growth. The study's significance arises from the recognition that individuals, at a specific juncture in their lives, become conscious of their individuality and subsequently endeavor to present themselves favorably to others while pursuing their life's purpose. Moreover, the concept of personal growth has become prevalent in contemporary society, with influential figures advocating the idea that self-development is an essential objective for every individual, as significant success cannot be attained without it. The present study establishes the significance of the psychology of self-development concerning strategies and factors influencing effective personal growth. The essence of the "self-development" concept has been thoroughly examined, and the primary aspects of human self-development have been delineated. Moreover, this work provides comprehensive characterizations and detailed descriptions of various forms of human self-development, including self-affirmation, self-actualization, and self-improvement. The article elucidates the particularities of self-development strategies in individuals, including imitation, the "twist of fate," and purposeful movement towards desired goals. Furthermore, the work describes psychological barriers that impede an individual's self-development. The study characterizes factors that positively influence personal growth, encompassing empathic support, appropriate upbringing, clear goal awareness, developed self-organization, interpersonal interaction, a drive for self-realization, and a creative approach. Moreover, the article identifies scenarios wherein self-development assumes a negative aspect, leading to regression rather than progress.


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How to Cite

Prisniakova, L., Aharkov, O., Samoilov, O., Nesprava, M., & Varakuta, M. (2024). Psychology of self-development:: strategies and factors of effective personal growth. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 16(se2), 109–118.