Impacts of Gamification on Teacher Training
A Case Study in Light of Self-Determination Theory
Gamification;, Teacher Training, Teachers' Perception., Elementary School;Abstract
This study explored the intersection between gamification and teacher training. The central objective was to analyze the effects of gamification in an online course for the continuous professional development of elementary school teachers, focusing on the teachers' perceptions of the benefits, challenges, and contributions to the construction of didactic knowledge related to the use of manipulative resources for teaching mathematical operations. Twenty-two elementary school mathematics teachers participated in this research. The theoretical framework was based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT). A qualitative approach was used, with a Case Study adopted as the research method, classified as an Embedded Single Case Study. In this context, the single case analyzed refers to the gamified online course titled "Manipulative Resources for Teaching Mathematical Operations," offered by the Continuing Education Center of the Municipal Education Department of Raposa - Nufoc-Semed/Raposa, through the Moodle platform. This case study was conducted using documentary analysis. For data collection, the Moodle tool called Survey was used, made available in the virtual classroom of the course. Data analysis and categorization were conducted using NVivo software, following predefined categories such as Gamification Benefits, Perceived Difficulties, and Construction of Didactic Knowledge. The results validate the contributions of gamification to teacher training, highlighting that gamification can strengthen fundamental psychological dimensions and the participants' didactic knowledge. In this sense, the results of this study support the idea that intrinsic motivation, when fueled by gamified continuous teacher training, can lead to positive changes in pedagogical practices. Thus, this study contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of Education, guiding future research on teacher training and gamified educational practices.
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