Life Cycle Modeling and Carbon Footprint of Bicycle Frames


  • Vanessa Dafni Bard Federal Institute of Santa Catarina
  • Cássio Aurélio Suski Federal Institute of Santa Catarina



Bicycle frame, CO2 emissions, Life cycle, Modeling


The study aims to evaluate the life cycle of bicycle frames made of carbon fiber, aluminum, and carbon steel, comparing them with each other. The Ansys GRANTA EduPack Introductory software was used in the Eco Audit tool to obtain data on the life cycle of bicycle frames, obtaining energy consumption and carbon emissions at all stages of their useful life. As a result, the perception was obtained that, due to manufacturing and disposal procedures, the carbon fiber frame is the largest emitter among the objects of study. The high emission in the material extraction stage for the manufacture of bicycle frames in the different study materials stands out.

Author Biographies

Vanessa Dafni Bard, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

Undergraduate student at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina and scientific initiation scholarship holder at the Itajaí Campus

Cássio Aurélio Suski, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

holds a degree in Mechanical Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001), a Master's degree (2004) and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from UFSC (2011) and a Post-Doctorate from the State University of Santa Catarina, UDESC in 2020. He participated in the management of the Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC) as General Director and Administrative Director of the Ibirama Campus, as well as serving as Head of the Teaching, Research and Extension Department of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina - Campus Itajaí. He is currently a Research Professor of the Technical Course in Mechanics, the Undergraduate Course in Electrical Engineering and the Postgraduate Program - Master's in Climate and Environment, he is an institutional evaluator at INEP and a Signatory of the SDG Movement - Sustainable Development Goals. He has experience in the area of Mechanical Production Engineering, with an emphasis on Materials Engineering, Business Administration and Risk Management, as well as in Educational Management and Equipment Development.


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How to Cite

Bard, V. D. ., & Suski, C. A. (2024). Life Cycle Modeling and Carbon Footprint of Bicycle Frames. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 17(3), 1021–1033.


