Design Thinking for Scientific Initiation in Research on the TRIP Effect in Materials Science
Additive manufacturing, Design Thinking, X-ray Diffraction, PrototypeAbstract
This project utilized Design Thinking to develop an advanced sample holder prototype for X-ray diffraction analysis, aiming to enhance the identification of crystal structures and phases in austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L, particularly under the TRIP (Transformation-Induced Plasticity) effect. The methodology involved applying the five stages proposed by Rikke Dam and Teo Sian, beginning with an analysis of the limitations of existing sample holders. Subsequently, prototypes were created and evaluated through rigorous testing to ensure that the implemented improvements were effective. After constructing the prototype, austenitic stainless-steel samples were subjected to a thermal treatment designed to revert the microstructure to austenite. The effectiveness of this treatment was assessed using ferritoscopy, an analytical technique employed to examine the presence and quantity of ferrite in the steel's microstructure. The results showed a significant improvement in diffraction patterns, facilitating more accurate identification of the crystal phases present in the material. In addition to technical advancements, the application of Design Thinking contributed to the development of practical skills among project participants. This process not only encouraged creative problem-solving but also led to the production of scientific papers that advanced knowledge in the field of TRIP-affected metallic materials. The study highlights the importance of Design Thinking not only for technical innovation but also for training qualified professionals prepared to tackle industry and research challenges. Thus, Design Thinking proved to be an effective approach for fostering continuous improvements in the analysis and understanding of metallic materials.
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