Development and validation of content for an instrument to monitor nutrition education actions in basic education
Validation Study, Food and Nutrition Education, Education, Primary and SecondaryAbstract
The study aimed to develop and validate the content of an instrument for monitoring the inclusion of activities with the intention of Nutrition Education (NE) in the lesson plans of teachers in basic education public schools in the judicial district of Diamantina/MG. The research is part of a university extension program that seeks to promote adequate and healthy nutrition in this context. The methodology involved a literature review to identify NE assessment tools in schools, followed by the development and validation of the proposed instrument. Content validation was performed by a panel of experts in the areas of research, education, and health. The main results indicate strong agreement among experts regarding the clarity and relevance of the instrument's questions, demonstrating its robustness. It is concluded that the developed instrument can be an effective tool for assessing the presence and impact of NE activities in schools, contributing to the improvement of the educational process and the promotion of healthy eating among students. It is hoped that the instrument will be adopted by professionals in the field, assisting them in identifying areas that need improvement and in implementing more effective pedagogical strategies in this context.
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