The effect of self-assessment-based Pancasila student profiles on adversity quotient and critical thinking skills by controlling self-efficacy
adversity quotient, critical thinking skills, Pancasila student profile, self-assessment, self-efficacyAbstract
This research examines the effect of a self-assessment-based Pancasila student profile on adversity quotient and critical thinking skills by controlling self-efficacy. A quasi-experimental was conducted involving 306 seventh-grade junior high students in Abang District, Karangasem Regency questionnaire in which questionnaires and tests were applied to obtain the data. The obtained data were analyzed quantitatively. The results of the research show: 1) there is a simultaneous difference between students’ adversity quotient and critical thinking skills between the students who are taught with self-assessment-based Pancasila student profile and the students who are taught with conventional self-assessment in which all of the students are controlled for their self-efficacy. 2) There is an impact contributed by self-efficacy toward students’ critical thinking skills and students’ adversity quotient, 3) there is a significant effect contributed by self-assessment-based Pancasila students on students’ critical thinking skills and students’ adversity quotient. A self-assessments-based Pancasila student profile is recommended to improve students’ adversity quotient and critical thinking skills.
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