Theoretical foundation to analyze mathematics textbooks in the new mexican educational model
Teaching Practice, Educational Materials, Didactics, Teaching, Data AnalysisAbstract
The textbook is a fundamental resource for teaching and learning mathematics in basic education, and puts the school curriculum into practice. In Mexico, since its last educational reform, new textbooks were made with a different approach, which has been a challenge for teachers to use it as an educational resource to teach mathematics in secondary education. The purpose of this document is to make a theoretical review of textbooks in Mexico and to propose as a framework of reference for their analysis, from a qualitative approach, the Ontosemiotic Approach of Godino and team, since it is a modular theoretical system that provides tools methodological (categories and indicators) to address epistemological, ontological, cognitive, ecological and instructional in textbooks for the teaching of mathematics from the New Educational Model. Analyzing the textbook from a qualitative point of view allows us to understand in greater depth its didactic proposal, the didactic treatment of its contents, as well as its scope.
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Copyright (c) 2024 David Alfonso Páez, Daniel Eudave Muñoz, Ana Cecilia Macías Esparza

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