Saramagueying the history of contemporary educational policies in Brasil based on the narrative research
Educational Policies, Phisical Education, Narrative ResearchAbstract
In this article we present narrative research as a theoretical-methodological strategy that, at the same time, values teachers' knowledge, and potentially also strengthens them within the scope of the educational policies being formulated in Brazil over the last few years, especially the Base National Common Curriculum (BNCC) and calling it “New” High School. As a counterpoint to these verticalized subjectivations, we metaphorically elaborate a set of other narratives, guided by the theoretical-methodological precepts of Oral History, gathered in the so-called History of No. The conception of these narratives was freely inspired by the attitude of the book reviewer Raimundo Silva, a character in the novel “História do Cerco de Lisboa”, by the writer José Saramago, who, in his work, adds a no to the invitation made by Portuguese clerics to the crusaders to to help them take the city from the “Moors”. This new construction, thus mobilized, is politically engaged in the assumption of other protagonists, teachers subordinated by the curricular addresses of the aforementioned educational policies and their effects on the reading of reality and actions that mobilized their trajectories in recent years. The results show that teachers, in order to guarantee their autonomy, have sought tacit strategies that have allowed them to maintain their relevance and protagonism within the scope of their teaching work. The story of no, reconstructed by the narrative capital of the participants, demonstrated that these teachers embrace their political actions within the scope of school life, acting on issues that emerge from the fragility of social ties and the inefficiency of policies in general to provide answers to true demands of schools in the region.
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