
  • Isabel Cristina Alves Pimenta Braga Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
  • Cristina Garcia Viso Universidade de Uberlandia
  • Suze Lea Mendes Ferreira de Oliveira Universidade de Uberlandia
  • Jonh Karlus Paula Universidade de Uberlandia



This paper reports the impressions of the final activity Performance and Performativity discipline in the contemporary scene performed in the professional master's degree in Arts (Prof. Arts) in UFU. Bring the construction and deconstruction in related research experiences in progress made in transit through space, reliving stages of life in our memories, with objects, narratives, plastic elements along with the studies and artistic practices that have led us to bodily actions to art teaching and learning with students with special educational needs. The group intended to embody the path of experiences from childhood to the present day, as well as the body's relations with the seasons perceived at the time, related to the daily work with the individual academic research. During the process the body also happens to experience the "do plastic" that envisions the construction of images to "drift", which leads all the aesthetic experience of the performance. The element "drift" becomes something fluid accompanying performative activity of the group producing marks, symbols and impressions which are completed at the end of the presentation. This process during the studies resulted in a performance presented disassembly bodily to the entire class. The possibility of understanding of other people's limitations is revealed in our own inferring trajectory positively as they seek the best ways to overcome. Plastic work with drawings and paintings, gives meaning to reports, contributing visually with tangible actions, integrated into the scenario of removal, widening the path of understanding opportunities related research.

Author Biographies

Isabel Cristina Alves Pimenta Braga, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia

Isabel Cristina ALVES Pimenta Braga-Mestranda Prof Artes –( UFU), Pos graduada em Arteterapia (UP) 2005, Graduada em Artes Plásticas/ Educação Artística (UFU) -1990.Professora de Arte (EJA) Educação Especial ( SME).

Cristina Garcia Viso, Universidade de Uberlandia

- Mestranda Prof Artes(UFU),Pós graduação Arteterapia( 2009),Graduada Artes Visuais/ Educação Artística( 2003). Atualmente Professora de Arte Secretaria Estadual de Educação e Secretaria Municipal de Educação no AEE.

Suze Lea Mendes Ferreira de Oliveira, Universidade de Uberlandia

Mestranda Prof Artes (UFU), Pós graduada em Psicopedagogia Institucional- (FCU), Graduada em Artes Cenicas(UFU). Atualmente professora da educação básica – AEE.

Jonh Karlus Paula, Universidade de Uberlandia

Jonh Karlus Paula – Mestrando Prof Artes(UFU), Graduado em Artes Visuais/ Educação Artística (UFU).Professor de Arte - APAE.


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How to Cite

Braga, I. C. A. P., Viso, C. G., Oliveira, S. L. M. F. de, & Paula, J. K. (2016). PATHWAYS INDIVIDUAL IN CONNECTION TO THE BODY ACTIONS IN SPECIAL EDUCATION. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 9(2), 182–193.


