Ergonomic project methodology applied to the development of throwing frames of brazilian paralympic athletes
The objective of this article was to present and describe the project methodology implemented in the development of five throwing frames for paralympic athletes. The process was divided into project different phases / stages, which, although following a logical sequence of development, include activities performed simultaneously. The athletes and technicians were invited to participate in technical meetings with the research group at INT. These technical meetings were held throughout the project, so that athletes and their technicians could interact with the project team of the Three-Dimensional Models Laboratories (LAMOT) and Ergonomics Laboratory (LABER) athe Industrial Design Division at the National Institute of Technology. 3D motion captured and laser scanning captured with 1D anthropometric measurements were collected in order to provide information to the bank usability designer and anthropometric dimensions of the athletes. With this information, the LAMOT / DVDI project team developed project alternatives that were presented to the athletes and technicians. The chosen project frame alternative allowed greater rigidity to the seat. Athletes participated in all subsequent stages of prototype development and final testing in use. The conclusion was that the methodology provided a logical and comprehensible structuring of the product development process for all the actors involved in the project, even from different areas of activity, and thus, could contribute in a harmonic and productive way to the final result.References
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