
  • Jerffeson Miguel de Oliveira Universidade Estadual do Piauí, UESPI
  • Keila Dayane Pereira Moura Instituto Federal de Educação do Piauí, IFPI




This article presents a brief investigation on the real conditions about the needs and possibilities in the insertion of ICT's in the learning teaching process developed in schools of the public education network in the municipality of Piripiri, state of Piauí. This study is supported by the following objectives: to identify the difficulties and possibilities in the use of digital technologies as a didactic resource in elementary school classrooms I, in public schools in the municipality of Piripiri. Investigate the availability of technological resources for teaching professionals, reflect the importance of ICT's for the learning teaching process and analyze the main difficulties faced by teachers regarding the use of ICT's in the classroom. The methodology used is qualitatively oriented, the study carried out with data collection through field research, developed from the application of a questionnaire for teachers of municipal schools of Piripiri. From the analysis of the data collected during the research, it was noticed that the insertion of technologies in the learning teaching process comprises a long term path, requiring continuing education policies, which opportunism the teacher to acquire new skills and competencies, the creation of a set of actions aimed at strengthening the teacher relationship (a) / student (a). The conclusive aspect is that such policies and actions can make it possible to better know the public and the real conditions of practical applications for the use of ICT's in the classroom, considering the difficulties and possibilities expressed by teachers and the precarious conditions of equipment and laboratories present in schools. It showed how difficult the lack of equipment limits teaching work, however, transformative practice coexists with such difficulties when the teacher assumes the profile of researcher and an autonomous posture for the use of such resources.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. M. de, & Moura, K. D. P. (2020). ICT’S INSERTION IN THE TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF TEACHING WORK. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 13(2), 133–143. https://doi.org/10.14571/brajets.v13.n2.133-143


