Jacob Rodrigues Pereira: a Humanist and a Benefactor of Humanity
In the present investigation, we intend to disclose the figure of Jacob Rodrigues Pereira, a Jew of Portuguese origin, whom as a child was forced to flee with his family to France in order to escape the close surveillance of the Inquisition. Benefactor of humanity, Jacob Rodrigues Pereira left the society, particularly the deaf-mute, the instrument that removed them from the exclusion of human coexistence: it was the inventor of the manual alphabet that allowed the communication of these excluded with the rest of society. We took as a starting point for this research a long article by Pinheiro Chagas, published in 1868, in O Panorama, along four issues. The contrast between the reputation that this benefactor enjoys in France, named after one of the main avenues in Paris, clashes with the paradox that in Portugal he is as illustrious as it is unknown.References
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Copyright (c) 2021 Elsa Gabriel Morgado, João Bartolomeu Rodrigues, Levi Leonido Silva

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