Colorless and Colored Diamonds, Identification and Differentiation Gemological of their Imitations


  • Isaac Gomes de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC
  • Linara Ivina de Castro Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC
  • Marcelo Menezes Diniz Madruga Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC
  • Tereza Falção de Oliveira Neri Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC



Diamond has immense economic value in sectors such as jewelry, industry and for society through cultural and economic impact; this mineral has durability, rarity and occurs in all colors. The diamond is formed practically by pure carbon, but with smaller amounts of other ions, these ions are responsible for the gemological properties with little variability according to the color of the mineral. Synthetic diamonds are in abundance on the market and they are identical to natural diamonds, but have a much lower economic value. Doublets, triplets, garnets, spinel, GGG (gadolinium, gallium and garnet), sapphires, tanzanite, diopside, sphalerite and rutiles are some of the best imitations and most damaging to trade due to the possibilities of confusion. There is a variety of minerals with good gemological quality that can easily be mistaken for diamond, due to the visual similarities and some optical properties. This study shows a gemological methodology, using the optical properties and the relative density, to facilitate the diamonds identification (colorless and colored) in order to differentiate the diamonds from its imitations, that natural, synthetic or artificial; besides approaching a distinction and identification among the imitations themselves, constituting a didactic and easy to understand tool.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, I. G. de, Rodrigues, L. I. de C., Madruga, M. M. D., & Neri, T. F. de O. (2021). Colorless and Colored Diamonds, Identification and Differentiation Gemological of their Imitations. Cadernos De Educação Tecnologia E Sociedade, 14(4), 601–617.


